This post (as a bit of others tried before and failed) is the start of a new era in my blog.
As you can see I finally managed to get rid of the old, ugly, layout, and got a new, simpler one to freshen this blog a bit.
Also as you can see there is a little clock in the right corner. I wrote this clock from scratch (as you can see from the previous post.)
So will a new layout and a new gadget do what it takes to finally zap this old hag of a blog to life? All that remains on your side is to hope, on mine on the other hand is to think of some not-so-boring post ideas.
Oh.. and actually write those..
My First Gadget
Yep.. this baby is mine.. All my code, not a bit of it stolen..
It may look lame, but considering the fact that the first time I wrote any javascript code was about 3-4 hours ago - this is quite an acomplishment.
Yes, It is a simple clock.
It takes your system time and then starts advencing it 1 second at a time.
Wierdest Quizzes Ever
To take some of them go to
Here are some of my results:
146,635 People
$6100.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
53% Geek
To my defence, since when is Firefly and Star Trek knowladge NECESERY for beeing a geek?
And that's without ANY coffee intake at all :)
230 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing -
It even sais i can:
# You could light up 2 light bulbs
# You could power 58 iPods
# You could power 1 Xbox 360
So now I'm SURE I'm buying a 360 (and cuirceting it throw my body)